We get a lot of questions every day about Resource Consents.

As a result we have gathered a few resources that should hopefully serve as an introduction to what they are and what is required for them. If you have any questions about a potential development then please get in contact with us at admin@chester.co.nz or pickup the phone on 481 0024 and our team will be able to point you in the right direction.

An Everyday Guide: Applying for a resource consent

The article linked below was created by the Ministry for the Environment and provides a great overview for the application process for a resource consent.


The article breaks down the resource consent application process into three steps

1. Prepare your application (gather information)
2. Council considers your application
3. Your resource consent is approved or declined

Our job at Chester is to help you through this process. Specifically, we can help you gather the correct information and liase with the other specialists to get the information that you require.

Because we have a multi-disciplinary team at Chester, we can help with a wider range of things that you may require such as a site survey, a driveway design or a detailed structural design. As a result of this it is common for us to assist in a project management role throughout the life of the project. Our company also has a varied team of specialists that can help you, no matter the size of the project. So if you are thinking of renovating your house, or subdividing your property then we can help you.

We also have a wide variety of partnerships with other specialists in the industry that we can put you in contact with to help your project progress.

The Auckland Council website has a great list of articles and pages that can help you navigate the process.

Resource Consent Link

Subdividing Property – Resource Consent Link

How to prepare a good quality resource consent

Though there is a lot of information to digest about resource consents and hopefully this article has served as a small introduction to help your understanding of what a resource consent is.