Glenn Metcalf
Survey Discipline Manager | BSc (Surveying) MNZIS, MCSNZ
Senior Licensed Cadastral Surveyor
As a Senior License Surveyor at Chester, Glenn brings a wealth of expertise in the fields of Land Development and Cadastral Surveying, with particular strengths in subdivisions and building setout.
Glenn’s experience in both leading multi-disciplinary consultancy teams and project managing developments within development companies has led to the successful delivery of many large and small developments both within the private and local / central government sectors. With over 30 years’ experience in the private development and consulting industry, he has been involved in large and small land developments both industrial and residential, building setout, resource consents for private plan changes and subdivisions, urban design, cadastral surveys, and project management of large scale projects.
Glenn’s skillset has led him into a wide variety of projects. He was the cadastral surveyor for the New Zealand Transport Agency’s Upper Harbour Corridor legalisation survey, responsible for legalising the motorway as legal road. He has project managed a variety of developments while working for; Waitakere Properties, Marlin Group and Fletchers. The largest being a 450 lot subdivision on the Te Atatu Peninsula. His setout projects include; the sky tower, Auckland Hospital’s new wing and Auckland Universities business wing.
Every project that Glenn works on is approached with the same enthusiasm and outcomes. His project management skills are brought to the fore with his methodical approach to timing and budgeting and understanding of the project and client’s requirements.
When not working on projects, Glenn enjoys playing golf and cruising around in his 1965 GT Mustang.